Saturday, August 9, 2008

Kwame Kilpatrick

I am sure you have hear about the current issues facing the city of Detroit, and the Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. Through continuous scandal he has held strong to his role as the mayor, all the while continuous calls for his removal have been the norm. There is lots of talk about what effect this will have on the city, and to a lesser extent the state. And the agreement seems to be that the city has gone from an upswing to a swift downward spiral. As bad as all of this seems I feel this may be just what we need.

In my short time living in the city this is the first time I have heard people from both sides of Eight Mile agreeing on an issue with a regular frequency. So I would like to nominate our embattled mayor as the great uniter of the region. Although his days are numbered you can't say he wasn't interesting. 10 felony counts and rising. 

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